Sunday, April 10, 2011

Multi-tasking Away!

I can't really pick one thing to do for an extended period of time right now. I'm trying to do everything all at once. I'm enjoying it very much. It's been awesome to not have a life consuming job. I can't get enough of being able to finally get back into everything that I love to do, and be able to focus on just that, with only small interruption. This is my chance. I'm glad to see that things are going in good order too. I've been focusing a lot on reading about buisness. I need to get together with my mother to get a buisness plan on paper. I just signed up with google analytics, so I can watch what kind of traffic is going through my shop. One of the major things that I need to be focusing on is my buisness card. I for some reason keep putting that off and I shouldn't. I'll get to it, I promise. I didn't realize how much of a social life I didn't have while I had a job. Probably because my job was most of my social life. I mean I still do hit up show, and I love to go out and have fun, but there aren't too many people worth having fun with anymore, well atleast most of the people I know. Maybe I'll end up meeting some new people that are fun to hang out with and will be an actual friend instead of a pretend friend (a friend that is friends with you to in some way just benefit themselves). I want to go back to school....really...really...REALLY bad. I need to look into that. Maybe I can just become a full time student, take out a student loan. I don't know yet.

 So I'm about to make something new! With the new supplies that I got earlier this past week, I'm going to make a bracelet and a ring. Today also brought about another idea, and that was to make anklets. I put on one yesterday that my aunt had gotten for me YEARS ago and I realized how cute it was. Well, I wore it all day and today while I was playing with it, I realize I had lost the charm to it (sad face). My awesome boyfriend and I tried to look for it, but I gave up considering how small it was and I have NO idea when I lost it. I told him I could just make something to add onto it to make up for it and there came the idea of making and selling anklets. It just started running through my head that I need to offer some cute yet lower priced items for those beautiful legs out there. What a perfect time to do it too! With all the shorts, capris, skirts and oh so cute dresses, that is exactly the perfect thing to wear. Not to mention the fact that all I see for most of the summer is flip flops and sandals, so no socks = bares skin that needs some adornment. I've got everything out to do all three, I'm trying to decide which one to start on. I've started on all except the ring. Oh, I wanted to show off some pieces that I made either on commission or as a gift.


Gold Stone
Gold Stone



On top of all the jewelry, I'm knitting. Like I've said in previous posts (I think), I want to get handspun yarn and knit headwraps. I then want to promote the shop that I got it from and in return they could do the same. I think it's a great way to cross promote. I know that people are always going to be down for that. Plus, some of those people on etsy have a wonderful color selection, and I can always find something that I like, especially when it comes to color combination. At the moment I am looking into getting the combination of yellow and grey. Yellow is my favorite color for right now. What I mean by that is that is that I have color phases. I will have one color that I am crazy for and want to buy shoes, clothes, and other things in (for right now) yellow. Yep.

So, be on the look out for new things coming into my shop on etsy. I think right now all the proceeds from my sales are going to go to supplies and saving up to get back into school. So, buying an item is going toward a great cause...EDUCATION! Back to work, which consists of trying to make three different things and knitting while on my break. Don't forgot to stop by my shop and help my education cause!

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