Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My days always start late

I didn't think I was going to get up today and do anything. Sunday I was suppose to post my new pendant and do laundry and work on my application and I did none of those. I instead just slept and slept then ate and then slept some more until about 12 in the afternoon today. I forced myself up to let the dog out, but then went back to laying down until about 2 when I forced myself into doing laundry. I've fully picked myself up now and been starting to again work on things:

My pendant was posted tonight finally! You can check it out here: http://www.etsy.com/listing/71021270/stunning-snowflake-obsidian-pendant-with. I'm definately proud of this one. I feel like I just keep getting better with each and every piece that I make. I've already picked the stone for my next project and will be starting on that as soon as I feel like I'm caught up on one other thing that I have to have finished by this weekend. I've decided to try to do something more for my customers too and that's to add an information packet with the pendant that they are buying. It will give them information about the stone they are wearing, just so if anyone asks about it. It's also good to know the power that one of those stones holds and especially how it can benefit you. I've also given people the option of getting 20% off if they follow me on any of my sites such as facebook, twitter or tumblr. I just remembered that I need to take pictures and post some of the feather pendants. That might just have to wait til the end of the week.

That application is the thing I want to finish. I need to start putting my demo together over the next couple of days and put my tracklist down on the application and for the copy of the cd. I still need to go to CVS for a passport type picture and to print out another picture of myself that needs to be sent in with the application. I'm ALMOST finished with it, my main focus should be the last couple of questions on the application and demo demo demo. I need to also call my buddy up and ask him a few questions about everything, just to make sure I've got all my eggs in my basket.

In other news I've decided that I might expand my shop into other things such as knit headbands. I love them, especially love making them. There are tons of shops on etsy that people have handspun some awesome yarn. The color choices and all that are just great to pick from and it can help promote those shops when I link the buyer I used the yarn from. That's definately something I need to take on. I want to also this week get my pictures done for my buisness cards. I NEED to do that. My step mom keeps asking me about it to give to her clients. Well, I guess I have a list of things I need to start to write down and do. On another note I can't wait to go to this art showing. It's on both Friday and Saturday downtown @ 1429 Fletcher Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46203. It's called Voer Art. The show is called "Immortals" and on every first Friday they have a showing. Indianapolis always has art gallery openings the first Friday of every month. So if you're ever around and not busy and lets not forget in the city, go downtown for some beautiful local art!

Wow, this is gonna be a week.

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